UNICEF confirms 0% child malnutrition in Cuba - Young Partners in Development2014-04-13T17:04:27Z/forum/topics/unicef-confirms-0-child-malnutrition-in-cuba?feed=yes&xn_auth=noDear fellow children's organi…tag:youngpartnersindevelopment.org,2012-08-09:2928733:Comment:371842012-08-09T19:12:43.151ZRev.Okello Ejedio/profile/RevOkelloEjedio
<p>Dear fellow children's organization, greeting from Uganda in Jesus name, I am very happy to get the organization which work on the accountability and right of children’s. But on a sad note in Uganda here in Jinja hospital last Friday a woman who was giving birth died in the processes on giving birth due to the weakness of the doctors who was on duty. Because the doctor want the money before doing operation on the woman and we are left with a child who never so the mother and she will not…</p>
<p>Dear fellow children's organization, greeting from Uganda in Jesus name, I am very happy to get the organization which work on the accountability and right of children’s. But on a sad note in Uganda here in Jinja hospital last Friday a woman who was giving birth died in the processes on giving birth due to the weakness of the doctors who was on duty. Because the doctor want the money before doing operation on the woman and we are left with a child who never so the mother and she will not see the mother .Please help in prayer ,advise, advocates and partnership for development so that such don't happen again. You can email me on [email protected] </p>