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Child-led rights based research is a process where children themselves identify their research needs, set their research framework, design the methodology, develop and administer the tools,…Continue
Started by Nirekha De Silva. Last reply by Audrey Fernando Jul 28, 2011.
Dear colleagues,apologizing in advance for eventual writing mistakes, I present myself and my call for help :)I'm project coordinator of CPP in Brasil and a researcher in Criminology and Law. My PhD…Continue
Started by Maria Emilia Accioli N. Bretan Dec 18, 2010.
Dear colleagues, I am a sociologist/ anthropologist working in Pakistan as an academic/ researcher for last seven years.. I would be highly pleased to initiate any research in collaboration of you..
hi, I am new here. And I am a bit late for the surveyL. In meantime, I was thinking to share with you a couple of reference that might serve to Childwatch international project.
One it is :“The right to be properly researched”- How to do rights-based, scientific research with children, in a set of ten manuals for field researchers, This publication is a joint enterprise of Knowing Children (Black on White Publications), the Norwegian Centre for Child Research, University of Trondheim, and World Vision International.
Here there are couple of two more: The Ethics of Social Research with Children. Morrow and Richard, Center for Family Research. University of Cambridge
Conceptual, Methodological, Ethical issues in researching children’s experience, Green and Hill
You might have these already, but I thought to share with youJ. Hope it would be helpful.
Thanks, Brikena
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