All Groups - Young Partners in Development2014-04-13T14:04:24Z/groups/group/feed?xn_auth=noChild Protection in Development (CPiD),2011-10-27:2928733:Group:300092011-10-27T02:29:57.214ZNancy Taylor/profile/NancyTaylor
8 members
8 members<br> <p>Welcome to the Child Protection in Development Group! </p>
<p> </p>
<p>We convened at the Ocean Point Hotel in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia from October 23 - 26 to bring IICRD's partners together to discuss the development of an applied learning program at Royal Roads University.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Coming soon... notes on the meeting, photos from the event, including our evening reception at Royal Roads University, and the opportunity for you to provide your comments in the discussion forum below. </p>2012-08-22T18:41:23ZChild Rights Education for,2009-11-03:2928733:Group:68182009-11-03T06:47:43.000ZAdem Arkadas-Thibert/profile/AdemArkadasThibert
13 members
13 members<br> 2009-12-21T21:59:51ZInternational Standards,2011-03-11:2928733:Group:145242011-03-11T23:08:25.519ZElaina Mack/profile/ElainaMack
3 members
3 members<br> The International Standards Council is a think tank to promote accountability for children's rights ad international, regional and national levels.2012-08-09T18:54:17ZChildren without Parental,2010-09-24:2928733:Group:109362010-09-24T04:50:22.000ZJagannath Pati/profile/JagannathPati
4 members
4 members<br> I am working for the rehabilitation of orphan,abandoned and surrendered children in India. It will be my pleasure to share and learn best practices across different parts of the,2009-04-14:2928733:Group:13622009-04-14T21:26:07.000ZElaina Mack/profile/ElainaMack
28 members
28 members<br> YouthScape is about creating a movement to “change the community landscape” of Canada through engaging young people. Join YouthScape’s five communities and national partners to build this movement…2012-09-19T02:31:11ZCRIP Movie,2009-04-09:2928733:Group:12632009-04-09T18:38:52.000ZJennifer Tang/profile/JenniferTang
12 members
12 members<br> A group where we can suggest, review, and discuss films dealing with issues of children's rights.2011-12-14T18:45:35ZAffordable Volunteer Program in,2014-04-11:2928733:Group:471772014-04-11T15:24:01.285ZJim Nadiope/profile/JimNadiope
1 member
1 member<br> <p><a target="_self" href=""><img class="align-full" src="" width="720" /></a></p>2014-04-11T15:44:22ZYouth, Governance, Peace building, and the Role of Social,2012-06-27:2928733:Group:366702012-06-27T22:19:55.840ZJon Ramer/profile/JonRamer
18 members
18 members<br> <p>This is the group being set up to stay connected after the 6/26 and 6/27 gathering at University of Victoria and hosted by Centre for Global Studies and IICRD. </p>2012-08-15T16:57:27ZYoung Partners in,2012-04-23:2928733:Group:351452012-04-23T22:58:18.547ZJon Ramer/profile/JonRamer
11 members
11 members<br> <p>On April 19 and 20, 2012 a number of us gathered at Royal Roads University in Victoria. This group has been created to support the follow up activities and events coming from that gathering.</p>2013-04-06T17:47:22ZColombia: Protecting Early Childhood from,2011-05-19:2928733:Group:182862011-05-19T21:13:04.075ZElaina Mack/profile/ElainaMack
11 members
11 members<br> The <b>Colombia Protecting Early Childhood from Violence</b> (CPECV) is a partnership with local governments, universities, NGOs, daycares, schools, and parents to protect children (0-8) from the devastating impact of violence in Colombia.2013-02-04T22:00:18ZStrengthening Child Protection,2011-02-04:2928733:Group:127072011-02-04T23:40:18.244ZElaina Mack/profile/ElainaMack
3 members
3 members<br> <p>The IICRD, CPC Learning Network, and UNICEF Global are working together to develop capacity among key child protection practitioners and to strengthen child protection systems in select countries in the global south. Photo:Lydsay Stark</p>2011-02-22T17:32:00Z“Violencia ø”,2010-09-25:2928733:Group:109452010-09-25T20:56:03.000ZGiovanny Castañeda Rojas/profile/GiovannyCastanedaRojas
7 members
7 members<br> Un grupo de niños, niñas y adolescentes que trabajan por construir una generación libre de violencia y respetuosa de los Derechos Humanos.2011-09-02T02:40:34ZViolencia Cero - Chicala,2010-09-10:2928733:Group:107822010-09-10T03:58:45.000ZManuel Manrique/profile/ManuelManriqueCastro
9 members
9 members<br> Discussion group formed by the members of the Violencia Cero initiative at the Chicala school of Colsubsidio in Bogota,Colombia2011-09-02T02:41:44ZBook Club (and other Knowledge Sharing tools),2010-07-19:2928733:Group:104952010-07-19T16:39:41.000ZTaryn Danford/profile/TarynDanford
17 members
17 members<br> This is a forum to post about interesting books, articles, movies, documentaries etc. relating to child and human rights2012-04-26T16:27:22ZLatin American,2010-06-30:2928733:Group:104002010-06-30T15:46:50.000ZTaryn Danford/profile/TarynDanford
11 members
11 members<br> This is a working group online forum for exchanging ideas, documents and other resources to help strengthen and connect the projects that IICRD and associated partners are establishing and operating in Latin America.2010-11-12T16:20:36ZCINDE Colombia - Derechos de la Niñ,2010-04-16:2928733:Group:100102010-04-16T17:32:27.000ZManuel Manrique/profile/ManuelManriqueCastro
11 members
11 members<br> Diálogo e intercambio entre el equipo de CINDE y sus aliados.2013-02-14T21:03:51ZIV World Congress on Child and Adolescent,2010-03-07:2928733:Group:94712010-03-07T18:24:12.000ZJaime E. Conde/profile/JaimeEConde
3 members
3 members<br> Interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experiences regarding the human rights of children and adolescents. It also comprises an encounter of adolescent delegates from different countries.
November 15-18, 20102011-04-13T19:29:27ZChild Rights,2010-02-13:2928733:Group:92442010-02-13T01:54:08.000ZNirekha De Silva/profile/NirekhaDeSilva
22 members
22 members<br> Share experiences, best practices, research methods and research outcomes on child rights research2013-12-04T04:35:41ZCRED-PRO,2009-11-05:2928733:Group:69352009-11-05T19:22:11.000ZStuart N. Hart/profile/StuartNHart
9 members
9 members<br> CRED-PRO Management Team planning process2009-12-15T17:55:42ZkidsLINK Rights-based,2009-10-27:2928733:Group:60782009-10-27T02:28:00.000ZSonia Pouyat/profile/SoniaPouyat
9 members
9 members<br> For those interested in contributing to kidsLINK's conversion to rights-based approach with its we can learn together, debate, and figure out how to make this happen smoothly.2010-02-13T14:34:10Z